Can You Die If You Can’t Have An Abortion?

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many women have come to worry about their safety if access to abortion services is now illegal. However, all states, regardless of abortion bans, cannot legally decline abortion if it is necessary to...Continued

Can You Still Get An Abortion In Texas?

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Texas has outlawed abortion in its state. The only exceptions to this are if the health or life of the woman is at risk; the state finds this as an extraordinary circumstance that...Continued

Does the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Affect TX?

We know how scary an unplanned pregnancy can feel, along with the nation’s new climate with abortion restrictions. You are not alone.  With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Texas abortion laws have changed and will affect the way women...Continued

Is Abortion Difficult or Painful?

There is no quick fix or easy solution if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, but there are options and resources for women who find themselves in this situation.  One of these options is abortion, which is available through surgical...Continued

How Soon Can You Have An Abortion?

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you are not alone. In fact, up to 50% of pregnancies in the US are unplanned. It’s important that you don’t feel alone, isolated, or without options.   You can have an abortion...Continued

Can You Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill? 

No matter how confident you are when you take the first drug of a medication pill, many women want to reverse the process before completing the medication abortion. If you are regretting your decision, there may still be time to...Continued

Why You Shouldn’t Be Scared of Adoption

Adoption can be scary to consider but knowing the facts about adoption may ease your fears. Most adoptions are open, meaning the adoptive family has some knowledge of the birth parents. Most adopted children are happy and in good health....Continued

Recovering Emotionally After a Miscarriage

Having a miscarriage is never easy. There are physical side effects as well as the emotional ones of your loss, including fatigue, trouble sleeping, and fractured relationships. You will also go through the stages of grief, like shock, anger, and...Continued