boyfriend curious if his insurance will pay for is girlfriend's abortion

Are you and your partner considering abortion as you face an unplanned pregnancy? Wondering if your insurance will pay for your girlfriend’s abortion? Finances are a major stress factor with pregnancy options. We understand this time is challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Normally, insurance will cover a spouse, one who is legally married to you. Keep reading to learn what could be next for you and your partner.

Insurance Coverage for Your Partner

Typically, insurance will only cover a spouse or a domestic partner. There usually must be a financial legal obligation to extend coverage. Talk to your health insurance provider for more information about your specific insurance coverage.

Why Pregnancy Confirmation Matters

Both pregnancy testing and an ultrasound are vital to confirming your partner’s pregnancy details and options. An ultrasound safeguards her health as well. An ultrasound can confirm three pregnancy details, including:

  1. Viability (detects the heartbeat and if pregnancy is progressing)
  2. Location of pregnancy (whether it’s growing within the uterus or not)
  3. How far along you are (gestational age)

An ultrasound can alert you and your partner to any potential pregnancy complications.

The Cleveland Clinic shares that “Between 10% and 20% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage.” We offer no-cost ultrasounds for your partner once she receives a positive pregnancy test result from us.

Free Pregnancy Services

Since it’s your health on the line, you deserve to have all the information you need to make the best decision for your body. Our compassionate team at Options Clinic understands that and wants you to be empowered to make the best decisions for your body and overall health.

Contact us today to schedule a free and confidential appointment to confirm the details of your unique pregnancy. We can also offer more information and facts regarding all your pregnancy options. You are not alone.