When facing an unplanned pregnancy you deserve to know all the information regarding any potential medical procedure and be empowered to make the best decision for you and your health.

Like any other serious medical procedure, abortion should be considered carefully for known side effects, complications and long term implications.

Medical vs. Surgical Abortions

There are two types of abortion, medical and surgical. 

Medical abortion is usually known as the abortion pill* and can be taken through the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. While less invasive than a surgical abortion there are still risks to be aware of, including making sure the clinic you’re receiving care from has appropriate procedures in place for handling any complications that may arise during the course of your treatment.

Surgical abortion is required to be done in-clinic and there are different procedures depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy. Because it’s your body and your health you should fully investigate any known issues that can occur during the type of procedure prescribed for your pregnancy, especially long term effects that could impact your future health or ability to have children down the road. It’s also important to make sure you know what type of post procedure care the clinic provides.

*Many people confuse the abortion pill with the morning after pill (MAP), but they are not the same. The abortion pill terminates a pregnancy up to 70 days gestation by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is required to sustain a pregnancy, and then expelling the embryo from the body. The morning after pill is considered an emergency contraceptive that is only effective in the first 72 hours after unprotected sex. The morning after pill contains Levonorgestrel, a hormone that prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.

It’s your right

Since it’s your health on the line, you deserve to have all the information you need to make the best decision for your body.

Options Clinic understands that and wants you to be empowered to make the best decisions for your body and overall health.

Contact us at Options Clinic to schedule a complimentary, no pressure ultrasound appointment to determine the gestation and viability of your pregnancy. During that time we can help provide any information and facts you need regarding all your options.

Unlike other clinics we don’t financially benefit from the choice you make, our only goal is to equip and empower you with the information to make the best decision for your body and future.

While Options Clinic can provide you with all the necessary info regarding your options we do not provide referrals for or offer abortion services nor provide abortifacients, like the morning after pill.